jeudi 26 novembre 2009 Clark !

Here are some " photos" I did for the show I m working on : "Commandant Clark", based on character designs from the famous Miss Aurore Damant .

27 commentaires:

Nima a dit…

vraiment très classe!comme l'ensemble de ton blog.Bravo!

Aurore Damant a dit…


(sauf le titre)

david kow a dit…

soooo funny and your style are so great!!!

Jeff Harter a dit…

Nice! Summer 2010? Will this show outside of France?

Beatriz Iglesias a dit… it! The colors are just perfect ^__^

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Zar Galstyan a dit…

Great work!

Carlos a dit…

All of them are beatiful!!

Gulzar a dit…

Yummmmyyyyaazzzzinngggggg! I love em all!


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SHOo a dit…

Super chouettes! Bravo Ahmed, ces illus' cassent vraiment la baraque!

オテモヤン a dit…
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Unknown a dit…

THese are wicked AWESOME!! Love the pug character!!

Mukpuddy a dit…

Awesome dude!

Blobfish a dit…

Rubbry, simpry rubbry.

Anonyme a dit…

酒店打工 酒店兼職
台北酒店 打工兼職 酒店
酒店經紀 禮服酒店
酒店兼差 酒店上班 酒店PT 酒店應徵

andres casciani a dit…

really great work! I love your drawings

Desiree a dit…

hehehe, awesome!!!

Maël Gourmelen a dit…

il me fait mal aux fesses ton blog mec... j'ai envie de t'épouser.

Céline a dit…

Hey merci pour ton commentaire Ahmed! Quand est-ce que tu postes tes supers modèles de Sherlock?!

Sam a dit…

Great work!!

Unknown a dit…

Great stuff! This little guy is putting the 'pug' back in pugnacious. Funny profile pic, too.

Mitch Leeuwe a dit…

Hee Ahmed, your work is great and really inspiring! See you in the storyboard class!

Bryst a dit…

Ya des étoiles dans mes yeux quand je suis ici. A quand du nouveau ??

Désolé pour l'annulation aussi mec!

Emmanuelle.Walker a dit…

Chouette! D'ailleurs j'ai vu Commandant Clark a la télé et j'ai trouvé que c'etait vraiment bien, l'anim rigolotte et les décors magiques! Pouce en l'air moi je dis.

Christophe a dit…


Franchement ce que vous faites est vraiment très jouli.

C'est trop mignon

梁爵 a dit…

2020.07.31不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因日本鑑於東京酒店區染疫人數快速竄升,政府衛生單位週一推出系列影片,邀請酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容招待拍攝防疫教育影片,過程以Q&A方式進行,主題我在酒店上班的日子圍繞在必知新冠肺炎資訊,酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?以期能防止疫情持續擴大。Alarmed by a spike in infections in Tokyo’s nightlife districts, the metropolitan government has released educational videos in the form of a Q&A between nightclub hosts, a hostess and a doctor, hoping to stem the spread of the coronavirus.「你覺得年輕的新冠肺炎患者會出現什麼樣的病症?」
“What kind of symptoms can a young COVID-19 patient expect?”
“What are medical costs like?”
酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?」“How often should we sanitize our hands?”三支影片中邀請在紅燈區工作的年輕酒店接待。自從、五月底日本政府解除緊急狀態,東京紅燈區爆出多人確診新冠肺炎案例。Those are some of the questions posed in the three videos that feature young workers from nightclubs in the city’s red-light districts where infections have crept up since the government lifted a state of emergency in late May.第一則約7至8分鐘的影片邀請到知名酒店男公關平良翔太,他向醫生詢問一些基本,像是無症狀患者確診後是否有可能傳染給他人。In the first of the 7-8 minute videos, a nightclub host Shota Taira asks the doctor general questions such as whether an asymptomatic person who has tested positive could infect others. 得到解答後,平良翔太把心型抱枕拋出,象徵交棒給下一位受訪酒店小姐一条響。
Taira then appears to toss a heart-shaped pillow virtually to a hostess in the next video, passing the Q&A baton.